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Safety is Part of Our Soul

Road Traffic Safety at Volvo Group

Traffic Safety has been at the heart of what we do since the Volvo Group was founded over 90 years ago, and it is an equally vital part of our future of driving prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions. 

As a global supplier of transport and infrastructure solutions, we have a unique opportunity to contribute to both a safer traffic environment for people all over the world, and to a safer work environment for the drivers and operators who use our products. Our safety measures make a difference.

Our Safety vision (PDF, 0.176 MB) is zero accidents with Volvo Group products. As long as people are harmed on road, off road, in the city, or at sea we will strive towards zero accidents by offering high quality and innovative products
that reduce both the number of accidents and their consequences (PDF, 5.7 MB). Our accident research team and road safety experts investigate the causes of real-life accidents and deliver crucial know-how, enabling us to develop pioneering traffic safety solutions with real safety benefits. 


We have an ambitious long-term objective when it comes to safety: we want there to be zero accidents involving products from the Volvo Group.

We work rigorously both on our own and in collaboration with other stakeholders in society to ensure progress in all dimensions needed to deliver a safer transport system for all. We address the issues holistically and systematically to deliver important technologies, training and skill of operators, safer road user behavior, as well as advocating ambitious evidence-based transport policies.

We believe improving traffic and work site safety is crucial for driving growth and prosperity, and to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Road safety expertise and research

Safety solutions around the Group

Safety education

Voices on safety


Road Traffic Safety news