
Environmental Footprint

We have now set Science Based Targets covering all relevant emissions, from production as well as customer use phase. The environmental footprint from our operations is relatively small compared to that from the use phase of our products. Nevertheless, we are constantly considering climate and the environmental footprint from our industrial activities. As we strive for more sustainable production, we continuously reduce waste and emissions, optimize water use and improve our handling of solvents, oils and chemicals.

Our commitment to SBTi includes direct and energy indirect emissions from operations, purchased goods and services to be able to reach net-zero by 2040.

Renewable energy sources

One impactful measure is to replace fossil energy with renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass and biofuels. The Volvo Group has production facilities in 18 countries and approximately 100 sites around the world. Currently, six of our sites are certified as renewable energy facilities powered by 100% renewable energy and several sites source parts of their energy from renewable sources.

Although renewable energy is not yet available in all markets, we foresee an increase in supply throughout the world. When available at acceptable conditions, renewable energy is always our first choice. In 2021, 40% of the total energy sourced by Volvo Group’s operations (production, technology centers, warehouses and dealership sites) was from renewable sources.

With 2019 as baseline, our science-based targets include reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030.

This target is set aiming for the 1.5oC ambition in the Paris agreement and valid across our global organization. Read more about our climate targets and performance targets here.

Environmental performance

Absolute values related to net sales 2021 2020 2019
Energy usage, GWh 2,423 2,043 2,355
Whereof renewable energy 40% 37% 35%
Direct GHG emissions, CO₂e, scope 1 x1,000 tons; tons 245 205 245
Indirect GHG emissions, CO₂e scope 2, x1,000 tons 114 121 124
Scope 1 and 2 total CO₂e x1,000 tons 359 326 369
Indirect GHG emissions, CO₂e scope 3.11, (use of sold products), x1,000,000 tons 286 241 323
Water consumption, x1,000 m3 4,628 4,865 5,389
Nitrogen oxide emissions, NOx, tons 223 192 291
Solvent emissions, tons 1,304 1,224 1,406
Sulphur dioxide ­emissions, SOx,  tons 5 3.7 8.5
Hazardous waste, tons 53,314 51,712 50,909
Net sales from Industrial Operations, SEK bn 361.1 326.5 418.4
Net sales Group, incl financial services 372.2 338.4 431.9
Delivered units      
Trucks 202,458 166,841 232,769
Buses 4,522 6,215 9,731
Construction equipment 99,871 93,760 86,885

Fossil free transport solutions

Read more about our products environmental footprint and the performance of our sustainable manufacturing.

Fossil free transport solutions

Environmental Policy

Environmental progress is a key element in our mission to drive prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions.

Construction Climate Challenge

The Construction Climate Challenge is hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment to drive sustainability specifically in the construction industry value chain.

Learn more about the challenge