
Volvo Environment Prize

Because of our concern for the environment The Volvo Environment Prize awarded by an independent foundation was instituted in 1988. The prize has become one of the world’s most prestigious environmental scientific prizes. It is awarded annually to people who have made outstanding scientific discoveries within the area of the environment and sustainable development.

About the prize

The Volvo Environment Prize

The Volvo Environment Prize is awarded for: "Outstanding innovations or scientific discoveries, which in broad terms fall within the environmental field."

Since its inception in 1990 the Volvo Environment Prize has become one of the scientific world’s most respected environmental awards.

The Prize is awarded by an independent foundation, instituted in 1988. A Scientific Committee does the initial screening and evaluation of candidates. The International Prize Jury, a group of internationally renowned scientists, makes the final selection of laureate or laureates.

Laureates represent all fields of environmental and sustainability studies and initiatives.

The Volvo Environment Prize is awarded annually. The Prize consists of a hand-crafted diploma, a glass sculpture and a cash award of SEK 1.5 million (approximately EUR 165,000 or USD 215,000). The award ceremony is in Stockholm in November.

For more information about the prize

Environmental news