
Business Ethics and Responsibility

Behaving ethically and conducting responsible business with integrity and in compliance with the law is a prerequisite for being a responsible company and building trust with our customers, business partners and society. Trust is one of the Volvo Group’s most important values; therefore, our Code of Conduct sets the framework for everything we do regarding business ethics and responsibility. 

We are adopting a risk-based approach in this area where relevant parts of our organization focus on due diligence, building awareness and collaborations. The overall purpose is for our colleagues and business partners to embed responsible business ethics and practices across the value chain.

Responsible business across value chains

Business ethics and compliance

We have zero tolerance for corruption and bribery. Our Code of Conduct states that we shall compete in a fair manner on the merits of our products and services. We regard corporate tax compliance as a matter of responsible business behavior. We do not engage in any aggressive tax planning activities through structures in tax havens or otherwise. 

Human rights

Respect for human rights is a key enabler for reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are committed to respect human rights and will continue to develop and strengthen the implementation of our human rights program. In this work, we are guided by international frameworks such as the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (PDF, 1.08MB).

Learn more about work within human rights

Responsible purchasing

We work in close partnership with our supply chain partners and we believe this is key for more sustainable supply chains. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets minimum requirements and aspirations on our supply chain partners’ business ethics and responsible business conduct. 

Responsible sales

Our products are sold in around 190 markets, all with different opportunities and challenges. We strive to establish close relationships with our distributors and customers to understand how our products and solutions can fulfill their needs. At the same time, it is important for us to conduct responsible business, identifying and mitigating sustainability risks in sales – especially in the use phase of our products.

Learn more about responsible sales

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