
Sustainable Transports

Population growth, urbanization, digitalization and a continuously expanding middle class are trends leading to an increased need of sustainable transport. Improving efficiency in transportation through new technologies will be necessary and our industry is undergoing what is perhaps its greatest transformation ever.

We are driving rapid technology development in such areas as connected, electrified and autonomous vehicles, working towards a more sustainable transport system. This development is also accompanied by new business models, which give us completely new opportunities to generate value for our customers and for society through sustainable transport solutions that are more efficient and safe.

This means taking advantage of a wide range of efficiency opportunities that will result in significantly reduced logistics costs, more human friendly societies and improved sustainable transport systems.

World class sustainable transport system

Commercializing technologies with disruptive new business models will help us reach this goal. Autonomous, electric and connected solutions come with multiple opportunities for saving costs, lives and resources through sustainable transport. 

For example, more silent electric city refuse trucks on overnight duty, at low speed, will improve air quality by emitting zero exhaust of NOx and particle matters, improve energy usage, reduce congestion and substantially lower noise levels.

As a start, we have set highest engine class restrictions for purchased transports in each market and we target to reduce CO2 emissions from freight transports per produced unit by 30% by 2025, with 2018 as base year.

New business models

Truck fill rates today are on average only 40–50% of total load capacity. Sharing economy business models, artificial intelligence and machine learning will optimize goods flow and lead to a reduction in transport needs and save valuable natural resources. This means the value from these transports can be doubled without adding more trucks on the roads.

The transformation in our internal logistics system focuses on optimizing transportation through load consolidation and sharing and improving fleet efficiency by using emission class restrictions, slow transport and alternatively fueled products. By developing our own logistics systems, service solutions and applying new business models, we believe it is possible to double the productivity of our customers’ logistics systems by 2030. On that journey we aim to implement 100 transport and infrastructure solutions for our customers by 2025.


Efficiency gains

The safety work includes all road users, both inside and outside our vehicles. Traffic safety is the basis for an efficient, sustainable transport system. Poor road safety leads to accidents and human suffering and is a major obstacle for transport efficiency, and ultimately for growth and prosperity. This affects both human wellbeing and the productivity and profit of our customers.

We are working hard to demonstrate solutions alongside the many stakeholders that need to contribute. Regulations must be harmonized, infrastructure adapted and all transport modules coordinated effectively. 

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The future of transportation

The world is changing. In many aspects the world is becoming a better place. As a global transport solution company we need to understand the world around us in order to stay ahead and to stay competitive.

Our view on the future of transport and infrastructure solutions


We can work together to electrify, choose alternative fuels and maximize the utilization of products. 

Read more about our solutions

Together we get safer

Volvo Group’s road to increased road traffic safety never ends. Our safety vision is a challenging one – but we are not alone on this journey. We believe that progress is achieved by sharing and working together.

Learn about our partnerships and collaborations