
Commitment to Safety

Safety is about putting people at the center of everything we do, in our operations and with our products. 

The health of our employees matters to us, which is why health and workplace safety issues are given top priority at Volvo Group. To follow occupational health and safety regulations – that is a given in all our operations. 

The Volvo Group is committed to safety and has a Zero Accident Vision involving using our products and in our operations. We work proactively to develop intelligent solutions that not only mitigate the consequences of accidents, but strive to avoid them altogether.

Occupational health and safety

We have a vision of zero accidents for employees at work. To improve workplace safety, we will continue to build a culture of care with employee engagement, leadership training, and safety dialogue to increase our knowledge of mental and physical health. We have controls in place with the aim to ensure that we do not compromise the health and workplace safety of anyone within our operations.

Lost Time Accident Rate

Our target is to reduce the Lost Time Accident Rate for our operations around the world by at least 50% on an aggregated level by 2030, compared to 2019. In 2021, the accident rate was 1.03 

Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report

Road and traffic safety

Our safety vision is Zero Accidents with Volvo Group Products. Greater traffic safety education and better planning of roadways are parts of the solution together with active safety features and technology (e.g. vehicle stability, emergency braking and visibility support) as well as passive safety components (e.g. airbags and body protection in the cab). Progress is also made in terms of automation for commercial vehicles and other machinery.  

Being committed to safety and aiming for zero means taking the lead in building global initiatives in close collaboration with customers, academia, policy makers and civil society to accelerate progress in order to achieve safe systems for all road users. We will develop methods and tools to measure our global safety footprint in combination with development of state-of-the-art transport safety solutions.

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