
Shaping the world we want to live in

Sustainability Ambitions

The choices we make today define the world we live in tomorrow. Climate change, population growth and increasing urbanization are shifting the landscape and expectations on transport and infrastructure. In all our actions, we need to consider how to reduce climate impact, use the world’s resources more efficiently, and conduct business more responsibly.

Every day the Volvo Group’s products deliver food and medicine, take children to schools, power irrigation systems and construct roads and buildings. The Volvo Group is driving prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions, targeting a sustainable future.

People have always moved and built things, so while that will not change – everything else must. This includes the speed at which we combat climate change, the way we use the planet’s limited resources, and how we collaborate.

Together with our customers, supply chain partners, governments, societies and other stakeholders, we are moving quickly to develop and offer cleaner, safer and more circular transport solutions to reach our sustainability targets. We believe corruption must be fought, human rights respected, and education for all secured if we are to meet our own sustainability targets, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals – the world’s agenda for a better planet.

This transition towards a sustainable future with more resilient societies is being magnified as a consequence of extraordinary events such as global pandemics and natural disasters, affecting people’s health and safety and causing financial distress. The sustainability targets we are aspiring for must meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Quality, safety and environmental care are part of our heritage and identity. To stay relevant and contribute to a sustainable future and to more prosperous societies, we will continue to provide our customers with more sustainable and profitable solutions.

Volvo Sustainability Framework

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlines the world’s common agenda for 2030.

We are committed to all 17 goals, as all of the sustainable objectives have some connection to our business. Several topics, such as gender equality and fighting corruption are universal for all enterprises. Beyond these universal responsibilities, we focus on the goals where our sustainability framework and business activities can have the biggest impact.

The Volvo Group contribution to UN SDG’s

The Volvo Group’s ambition with our sustainability framework is to contribute to all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In reality of our business operation, we contribute to some more than others. In the link below you find the summary on how we contribute to the UN sustainable objectives via the strategic sub-topics. 

Learn more about our contribution

Sustainability News