
Environment and resources

The planet’s resources are finite. Our ambition is to lead by example and we aim for our own transport system to be world class by using sustainable management of environmental resources. Furthermore, we believe it is possible to double the productivity of our customer’s logistics systems through high-performance environmental resources management.

There are huge incentives for rethinking existing production and consumption patterns. Waste and pollution need to be designed out, and products and materials kept in use phase. Our increased focus on circularity will result in improved environmental resources management and materials efficiency with significant cost-saving opportunities for both Volvo Group and our clients.

Some of the materials used in our products come in scarce supply, and some materials and substances are potentially hazardous. We strive to reduce our dependency of such materials and substances, and thereby ensuring the efficient use of environmental resources,  to protect both people and the environment.

Environmental resources management initiatives

A sustainable transport system

Our ambition is to lead by example. We’re aiming for our own transport system to be world class in sustainability and resource efficiency, as well as improve productivity of our customer’s logistics systems.

Commercializing technologies with disruptive new business models will help us reach this goal.

Traffic safety is the basis for an efficient, and sustainable transport system . Poor road safety could lead to loss in both transport and resource efficiency, affecting human wellbeing.

Learn more about sustainable transport systems


The world’s natural resources are limited, yet economic activity is expected to increase heavily by 2050. This means there are huge incentives for rethinking existing production and consumption patterns using environmental resources.

Circularity is considered in much of what we do at the Volvo Group. Our remanufacturing process is an important way of managing resources.

Currently we have seven sites that send zero waste to landfill and we continuously strive to minimize residuals and increase the share of material used for recycling and reuse.

Learn more about circularity

Materials and substances of concern

We strive to reduce our dependency of scarce materials and substances of concern to protect both people and the environment.

We have a vision to phase out potentially hazardous materials and substances, where possible, and to secure safe handling throughout the whole value-chain.

Learn more about substances of concern

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The future of transportation

Climate change, congested cities and hazardous road and working conditions call for future transportation technology and systems solutions that are safer, cleaner and more efficient.

Future of transportation

R&D and Innovations

R&D and innovations within transport will reshape the cities of tomorrow.

R&D and Innovations

Corporate standards & Suppliers requirements

It takes thousands of our suppliers to move the world. Corporate standards and sustainability requirements for our suppliers to fulfil.

The Volvo Group suppliers

Sustainability news