
Volvo Group and REACH

The chemical regulation in the European Union (EU), REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006) went into force on June 01 2007. It has an impact on chemical and associated industries worldwide that manufacture and/or import chemicals, preparations and products to the EU.

The Volvo Group purpose with this website is to facilitate communication in the supplier chain.

REACH is expected to affect supplier communication up and downstream, create challenges in supply of materials and customer demands and generate substantial administrative and technical tasks. It is important to note that REACH compliance will involve more than regulatory managers, but also purchasing, information technology, product planning, engineering and more.

To find a common way to work with best practices, the “Volvo Group REACH/REACH like Task force”, where all TD/BAs are represented, is coordinating this work.

The links below will take the reader to useful information. At a minimum, we recommend a review of the Automotive Industry Guideline to highlight the potential pitfalls of failing to act and the benefits of pre-registration and registration long-term.
Suppliers that shall be considered in the sourcing to the Volvo Group, will be requested to fill in a questionnaire to prove their REACH compliance.

NOTE: If you, as a non-European Supplier, do not have an Only Representative, please visit www.onlyrepresentatives.org for alternatives.