
Volvo Group Leadership

Leadership at Volvo Group is essential. We believe that the role of a leader is to connect people’s talents and passion to the organization’s purpose, to unlock potentials so employees are willing to give their best. Our leaders are not only business driven but also capable of playing to people’s strengths instead of limitations, building high performing teams via empowering leadership and encouraging positive peer pressure. Their responsibility is to create an environment where people enjoy working and feel valued as well as being able to partake in career development opportunities.

Volvo’s leadership is not just about driving a function, a project or a team of people. At Volvo Group everyone is encouraged to be a leader of oneself. Every employee is trusted and empowered to take the initiative and make decisions that drive business forward. 

Fulfilling our company ambition to shape tomorrow’s society needs the voice and actions of every employee and calls for courage to take risks, dare to fail and learn from our mistakes so that we are more successful next time.

In my opinion, leadership comes from within and is based on trust, values, honesty and integrity.

When the right leadership brings out the best in people - stories from the organization

Leading a team on site

Sofia Hugosson leads a team at the Volvo Construction Equipment plant in Braås, Sweden. It is a tightly welded group which deals with quality issues linked to components from suppliers.

It is an unpredictable job. Issues occur suddenly and call for swift decisions. Even though her days are often full, she makes sure there is time for jokes and chitchat. 

“It’s important to have a secure, open atmosphere in the group. Safeguarding that is one of my most important tasks – it helps all of us to manage stressful days,” says Sofia.

Leading a project of innovation

Damien Lemasson has been managing an agile product development project within Volvo Group’s technology function. He has identified three success factors: a clear objective, a good working environment, as well as a culture and leadership that encourages people to explore, create and innovate.

“People had the freedom to investigate, try new things and make their own decision. I really enjoyed seeing them go beyond their job descriptions and help each other out. It’s clear to me that if you give people responsibility, they want to succeed,” says Damien.

Leading to build trust

When Jens Kärrman first started as production manager, he acted as he thought a boss would act – giving direct orders and knowing all the answers.

Finding himself in an escalating situation with a team member, Jens suddenly realized that he needed to rethink his behavior. Listen to his emotional Group Talk about how he changed leadership style and won the trust from his team.

Inspired by TED Talks, Group Talks is provided by Volvo Group University to spread inspiring stories shared by Volvo Group employees around the world.

We believe in leading by example

Leader of the year

Volvo Group’s President and CEO Martin Lundstedt was appointed ‘Leader of the year 2018’ for his empowering leadership, enthusiasm, deep industry knowledge and extensive teamwork skills.

“I'm proud and happy, but especially spurred to live up to this award in everyday life with all Volvo Group employees. How we work with leadership issues in a time of great change is a key factor for our continued success,” says Martin. 

The price is awarded by Affärsvärlden, PA Consulting, Mannheimer Swartling, Wipro and Korn Ferry.

Female leadership awarded

Being awarded Top100Frauen, Andrea Fuder, Executive Vice President at Volvo Group Trucks Purchasing, was in 2022 recognized as one of the top 100 most influential women of the German industry.

Andrea Fuder has solid leadership experience as she has held various senior positions in the industry since almost 30 years back. Change is what continuously drives her.

”I like to leave my comfort zone and being challenged,” says Andrea. “I am a passionate leader and I get all my energy from the work with our – by far! - most important asset: Our fantastic people!”

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