
The Accident Research Team

Our vision is to have zero accidents with Volvo Group products. Our accident research team helps us work towards achieving that vision. They look at underlying causes, raw data, human behaviors, and real world scenarios – to help develop safety related solutions, and spread safety awareness. 

The team consists of an operational group, a traffic safety statistics group, and a group that develops new methods to evaluate future and current safety measures. Each year they visit accident sites, collect and analyze different data sets, and develop new ideas for traffic safety. They are committed to making the roads a safer place.

Why accidents happen

A road accident is a sequence of events that usually involves three key factors: driver, vehicle, and environment. The human factor could be, for example, a driver or another road user failing to look properly. A vehicle factor might be a blind spot. An environmental factor could be anything from the weather to the layout of the road. It’s these three factors which guide the team in their pursuit of increasing road safety.

How we research accidents

We investigate on site, at the scene of an accident – this is a key aspect of our work. We also undertake internal research projects, external partner collaborations, and analyze external statistics and reports. The collective findings help us gain new perspectives surrounding the cause and effect of traffic accidents.

Frequency and severity

It’s a fact that fatal accidents occur less frequently than minor accidents and conflicts. Yet to understand how and why fatal accidents occur, it’s crucial to actively explore both ends of the accident spectrum. This approach assists us in developing modern safety systems to support drivers, which in turn helps to reduce the number of road traffic fatalities and severe injuries.

What the work is achieving

These ongoing investigations directly result in many safety related improvements for our products, and helps spread the message of safety awareness both internally and externally. To ensure we continually progress toward our Volvo Group Safety Vision, our key deliverables for the team are: 

• Identify areas of improvements for our products related to road traffic safety

• Deliver knowledge, insights and research results

• Provide a link between Research, Advanced Engineering, and Product Development