
Be your true self​

Diversity & Inclusion at Volvo Group

We are passionate about diversity at Volvo Group! Seriously, when we speak about passion as a core value, we talk about how Volvo's diverse and inclusive work environment ignites our passion. We are passionate about sharing ideas, passionate about discovering diverse perspectives and new cultures, passionate about developing beyond our limited view of the world or of our own abilities.​

We create an environment where you can bring your true unique self to work every day. Because we know when each one of us gives our whole selves, we all receive more. We boost our performance with better decision making and cutting-edge innovation. We are better at listening to and connecting with our diverse customer base.​

In order to continuously move the needle on diversity and inclusion, we provide leaders and employees the chance to master inclusive skills. We work to combat unconscious bias impacts and we implement strategies to increase our diversity, to truly reflect the diverse world we operate in.

Diversity and inclusion areas - Where we strive for equality

All Our Cultures​

We draw our strength from our wealth of diversity: close to 140 nationalities across 190 nations working together. Different customs, different religions, different ethnic backgrounds. As a global player, we pick up the weak signals of new trends faster thanks to our diverse networks. Tremendous energy, commitment and passion come with our diverse perspectives. They are essential to making smart decisions and ultimately making our company purpose come true. ​

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity​

Among European industrial technology companies, we are a pioneer. Our global V-EAGLE LGBTQ+ network was the first established in our sector 15 years ago. We are proud and bold about our inclusion of lesbian, gay, bi, queer, trans, intersex, (+) and straight employees. In the US we launched same sex-couple recognition and equitable benefits before any legal status was available. We know that work life and personal life have more and more intersections, and we need to all be free to share who we are both in and out of work.​

Diverse Abilities​

The difference between disabilities and diverse abilities is mindset. A growth mindset means we value our unique abilities and that diversity creates a tightly knit cooperative team where each person contributes to the collective in their unique way. We have a long history of including unique and diverse abilities in our operations, especially in key markets, and we are working to increase focus in this area globally. Our latest employee network was launched in Sweden to support Diverse Abilities.​


We have an amazing opportunity to draw ideas and viewpoints from more generations than was ever possible before in the workplace. Today 5 generations work side by side in Volvo Group. We learn from other people’s long experience, and we learn from other people’s fresh perspective. Our Early Career Networks help us promote intergenerational connections and understanding. We value generational diversity so much we even have a target of a 20 year age spread in each team between youngest to eldest member. ​

Employee Inclusion Networks​

We channel our passion for inclusion into our employee networks. These resource groups give a voice to key diversity threads and engage the majority as allies to build a more inclusive Volvo Group. We have networks across the globe supporting: Women and Gender balance, Generational, LGBTQ+, and Multicultural inclusion as well as Diverse Abilities. Our networks interact with leaders and employees to deepen understanding of these key topics.

Volvo Group is truly global:

  • Employs almost 100,000 people
  • Close to 140 nationalities working within the company
  • Serves customers in more than 190 markets

Learn more about our global presence

Gender distribution of all employees at Volvo

Gender distribution of managers

Distribution of work roles

Diversity & inclusion in action – stories from the organization

Learn more

Gender balance

On a daily basis Volvo Group is striving to move the needle towards increased inclusion and improved gender balance not only because it is ‘fair’ and ‘the right thing to do’, but because it is essential for our business performance. Equality is not a women's concern, it's a business concern.

Read more about gender diversity