
Salary and Benefits

There are many benefits to working in the Volvo Group. Besides the competitive levels of salary, compensation and specific benefits, you will work in a value-driven company where your voice is heard and your ideas matter. In the Volvo Group, important aspects of salary setting include your own performance and willingness to change and develop, your capacity to utilise the opportunities for internal mobility or for international work, and your leadership potential. We work together to enable you to design your own career.

Compensations that make the difference

A competitive base salary

We believe in fair pay for good work. You will receive a competitive base wage, with a clear road ahead for increasing your salary even more. Your gross base salary is the foundation, and we monitor our competitiveness and adjust wages accordingly in all countries.

Rewarding you on the basis on your performance

Based on your work and deliveries, you will receive ‘Pay for performance’. You will be rewarded on the basis of your performance and contribution.

Your job is just one part of your life

Our benefits programme is there to support you wherever you are in your life’s journey.

A solid benefits package

We help protect our employees against certain risks at different stages in their lives. Country-specific benefit packages are offered in relation to the respective market and legal practices in each country. 

Shape the world you want to live in

Join our teams

Imagine yourself working with some of the sharpest and most creative brains in the transport and infrastructure industry, developing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions that will change the future of society.