
Search for drawings of standard parts

Distribution of Volvo Group drawings of standard parts.

Search for drawings

Generally, the concerned Volvo purchasing department should provide their suppliers with the necessary drawings.

Only standard parts drawings and Volvo CE standard parts drawings are available online (these drawings have numbers between 1052000 and 1061999 or numbers beginning with 11131 and three additional digits).

If the drawing you searched for is not available online, please contact the purchasing department at the Volvo company in question to request the document.

For other questions about drawings, please send an email to corporate.standards@volvo.com

How to search for drawings

When searching for a drawing of standard parts by drawing no.:
- Enter a complete drawing no., for example 1058611.

When searching for a drawing of standard parts by part no.:
- Enter a complete part no., for example 984979.

See the details on how to search for a drawing in our PDF instructions:

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