
Corporate Standards

Information and FAQ

Whenever there is a reference to a standard, the standard is valid. Some of our standards have been labelled "Not for new design", but these standards are also valid if referred to. The text "Not for new design" is primarily an indication for our for our design engineering departments, stating that the standard is not intended for new designs.

Most of our more recent drawings contain a reference to a standard named "Symbols, designations and general drawing methods". This standard, STD 101-0005 establishes some general rules and makes reference to the valid standards for most of the symbols in our drawings.

If you have any doubts or queries regarding the validity of our standards, please contact the responsible purchasing department, or email corporate.standards@volvo.com

Policy for suppliers

referring to Volvo Group* in their own documentation

Volvo Group* are the property of the respective company and may only be used by non-Volvo Group and companies when the standards are called upon or referred to, directly or indirectly, in contractual documents relating to the Volvo Group.

This means that they may be used when the Volvo Group utilizes the primary contracted company as a supplier of development services, supplier of production parts or supplier of tools, equipment etc. to manufacturing plants.

This also applies to tier 1+ n suppliers, i.e. if a tier-1 supplier has a contract with the Volvo Group , a tier-2 supplier may also use the standards.

For more information, contact Volvo Corporate Standards at corporate.standards@volvo.com

* including the brands Volvo, Renault Trucks, Mack Trucks and Nissan Diesel.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How do I find a technical requirement (TR)?

Technical requirements (TRs) are not available from our website. They have to be ordered from the purchasing organization of the Volvo company with which your company is dealing.


Where can I find ISO standards, IEC standards, DIN standards, EN standards, etc?

Volvo Corporate Standards cannot distribute national or international standards to suppliers and other external parties. If such standards are required, contact your national standards body or another company selling external standards, e.g. IHS.


Is there a subject-based index of all standards?

There is no index of the contents of all our standards available online. The documents to be used by the supplier are normally indicated in the drawing or in other documentation from Volvo's purchasing department, e.g. in the PQP manuals.

What does "Not for new design" mean?

Some of our standards have been labelled "Not for new design", but these standards are also valid if referred to. The text "Not for new design" is primarily an indication for our design engineering departments, stating that the standard is not intended for new designs.


Why can't I find the drawing I am looking for?

The Corporate Standards website only contains drawings of standard parts. The drawing numbers begin with 105, followed by four additional digits. If the drawing you require is not available although it begins with 105, it may be a supplier drawing which is intended only for internal use within Volvo or only for the supplier concerned. These drawings are not available on the Internet.


Where can I find the KEP standards for suppliers?

The KEP* (key elements procedures) documents can be found at 'Our supplier requirements'.

*Key Elements procedures are today replacing the PQPs (Purchasing Quality Procedures)


Why can't I find any standards when searching by material number?

Usually, the standard number can also be found in the materials indication. If this is not the case, please contact the purchasing department of the Volvo company with which you are dealing.


Volvo uses a lot of abbreviations, acronyms and other terms in their documentation. Is there a list of these?

Within the Volvo intranet, there are various databases containing this information. A lot of this terminology is also found in standard STD 001-0001 (For VCS 5001,119).


Why do I have problems viewing PDF attachments inside a PDF file?

To display PDF attachments inside a PDF file correctly, your Acrobat Reader has to be set to allow PDF files to be opened from the web inside your browser window.

To set browser and Internet preferences in Acrobat: Choose Edit/Preferences/Internet and click the check box "Display PDF in browser".


Can’t find what you're looking for on this page?

If you have any other questions, please send them to Corporate Standards and we will reply via email.

Email: corporate.standards@volvo.com


Can I, as a supplier to the Volvo Group store your standards in our Document Management System?

Yes, you are allowed to store the Volvo Group standards (STD) in your Document Management System, provided that the following requirements are met:

  • You only store relevant standards i.e. only the standards that you are required by the Volvo Group to comply with at any given time;
  • You ensure that you always have the latest version of the standards;
  • You do not disclose/make available the standards to any third party unless you have received written permission to do so; and
  • You immediately delete any standards that no longer are relevant e.g. when you cease to supply the relevant products/services to the Volvo Group and/or the Volvo Car Corporation.

How to access Volvo Cars standards ?

To access Volvo Cars standards, please go to: https://group.volvocars.com/suppliers

On that page: 1. Log in with your User name + Password, 2. If you don't have access, scroll down to the heading "Apply for access".
For questions regarding Volvo Cars standards:
Email to: vccstd@volvocars.com

What are you searching for?


Database containing standards for the Volvo Group, Renault Trucks and Mack Trucks.

Search for standards 

Drawings of standard parts

Here you will find Corporate Standards drawings only. For other drawings, please contact the purchasing organization at the relevant Volvo Group unit.

Search for drawings