
Broadening your horizon at home and abroad

International Job Opportunities

Working for a global company present in 190 markets means being in contact with international colleagues to develop business solutions and drive innovation. Using virtual collaboration tools, you will learn about our day-to-day activities around the world and constantly meet diverse cultures and ways of thinking.​

Rewarding assignments abroad

In addition, our international job opportunities mean that you can apply for both short-term and long-term assignments in a Volvo Group company or branch of operations abroad - a rewarding experience that cannot be matched by any formal training programmes as the following colleagues can testify through their Volvo global careers!​

Volvo Group employees in the world 2020

Voices on global careers

Andreas in India

"Be Willing to Learn and Try"

Andreas Roupé from Sweden had long wanted to take advantage of Volvo's international job opportunities, but until his manager asked if he was interested in moving to Bangalore he had never considered India.

“After discussing it with my wife and two kids, we decided to take on the challenge,” says Andreas. “So far, the experience has been really good and the whole family is enjoying it. There are cultural differences and I find myself in situations I’ve never been in before, but overall it has been easier than expected.” His current role in Bangalore is to establish a section to oversee global responsibility for the Telematics Gateway software.

Andreas believes that the key to personal growth is having a willingness to learn and try new things. “Don’t focus too much on the next step in your career, focus instead on the assignment you have today. I don’t know where my career will lead me after Bangalore, but as long as I keep learning new things and do my best in my current position, I know that new and interesting assignments will come.”

Amanda in Sweden

Experiencing Volvo global careers

Working in a foreign country is something Amanda Li had never done before. After having worked in global teams in Beijing, China for 10 years, she decided to take advantage of one of Volvo's many international job opportunities and move to Gothenburg, Sweden for work. Listen to her perception of Volvo Group as a truly global company.

Guillaume in the US

“It has helped open my mind”

During his time working at Renault Trucks in Lyon, France, Guillaume Ribeiro has regularly worked with colleagues across the globe. Taking on a Short-Term Assignment (STA) in Hagerstown, US, helped opening his mind even further. “It has been a very enriching experience – not just for me but for my whole family,” says Guillaume. For his wife, daughter and son, it is essentially an extended holiday and a chance to experience another culture.

However, for Guillaume it is broadening his professional outlook too, and making the transition to another site in a different country has been eye-opening. “We work on the same kinds of project with the same goals, but the work split is different,” he says. “Here, the team manager is much more involved in the projects and that has been very interesting to see.”

Once the assignment is completed, Guillaume hopes to move into management and he has already begun the Exploration for Emerging Leaders training program. “When you join a company as big as Volvo Group, you can expect a lot of opportunities. There are so many different positions and Volvo Group is constantly evolving,” he says.

Andrea in Brazil

How to succeed in a global work environment​

Andrea Tetto has her own unique take on what it means to work for a company with global jobs. Born and raised in Brazil she has since worked and travelled all over the world for Volvo. Listen to the strategies she’s developed to succeed in a global work environment.​

Katrina in Japan

“It exposed me to different opinions and ideas”

Katrina Yu, Compliance Manager from China, undertook a three-week Short-Term Assignment (STA) for Volvo Financial Services (VFS) Japan in order to strengthen her skills, experience, and knowledge. “I was honored to have been chosen for a short-term assignment at VFS Japan. It exposed me to different opinions and ideas, which pushed me to learn and adapt quickly. I have not only learnt best practices from other markets, I have also expanded my network and made new friends,” says Katrina.

The experience not only benefited Katrina Yu, but also her whole compliance team at VFS China as she got to share experiences and best practices with VFS’ Global Compliance team. “It was an unforgettable experience – intense but exciting. It allowed me to see how various functions work and collaborate effectively from a global perspective,” says Katrina.

“However, what I value the most is the friendship that I established during the STA. I often needed to reach out to colleagues in different departments and share my ideas and opinions. Colleagues are resourceful, friendly, and open to discuss. Regardless of my background and experience, my input was always valued and appreciated.”

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