

Purchasing is the category that describes the job areas involved in managing the Volvo Group activities related to acquiring goods and services. The focus is on selecting high performing suppliers to deliver the best possible products and services that add real business value in terms of functionality, quality, reliability and price.

Employees in Purchasing

Meet Gloria Pino

The voice of quality is always heard in a meaningful way at Volvo Group. It’s crucial to keep the strong and lasting relationship with supply chain partners and minimize the impact on busines. Watch the encouraging dialogue between Andrea Fuder and Gloria Pino.

Meet Rédha Messaoui

Rédha Messaoui and Andrea Fuder are talking about Volvo Group Purchasing’s contribution to the long-term ambition - 100% safe, 100% fossil-free and 100% more productive, by transforming and understanding new business models and new technologies, including building value-adding partnerships.

Meet Eva Bennis

Volvo Group Purchasing has some expectations on our Supply Chain for the important matter of People and Human Rights. Please watch the chat between Eva Bennis and Andrea Fuder.

When it comes to substances of concern, the Volvo Group aims to phase out the dependency on materials and substances of concern. Eva Bennis is one of the drivers behind more sustainable products and services from the supply chain. Read more here

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Jobs in Purchasing

Imagine yourself working with some of the sharpest and most creative brains in the transport and infrastructure industry, developing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable transport solutions that will change the future of society.

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