
Collaboration creates innovative and sustainable mobility solutions

Artificial intelligence in software for drug detection, global digital identity solutions, real-time communication across vehicle brands, and software that find signs of health-related deterioration that could impair driving performance. These are the innovations that can boost the business of Volvo through MobilityXlab, Volvos’ strategic innovation partnership.
Collaboration creates innovative and sustainable mobility solutions

Twice a year Mobility Xlab founded by CEVT, Ericsson, Veoneer, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, and Zenseact, takes in new startups to create innovative and sustainable mobility solutions together with the founding partners. In this year’s first batch of startups you find Eyescanner (Sweden), 12iD (Sweden), Aiden (USA), and Detectivio (Sweden).

The partners of MobilityXlab share a common goal to speed up innovation to create cleaner, safer, and more efficient mobility solutions. One example of how innovative solutions can support the common goal is the startup Eyescanner, founded by two Swedish entrepreneurs. They are focusing on AI in software for drug detection. Their innovation solves the lack of vehicle technology for detecting drug-affected drivers.
“Drugs affect the central nervous system, which is reflected in the reactions and movement patterns of the eye. We have developed a solution using machine learning to detect the usage of drugs by filming a sequence of the driver’s eyes, says Jenny Johansson, co-founder at Eyescanner. It is not intrusive for the individual; it also protects the integrity of its users. We are looking forward to collaborating with some of the largest players in the automotive industry. MobilityXlab gives access from Day One to the right specialists to talk to, which is difficult to find from just looking at a LinkedIn page or through a call to the company’s office.”

Jenny Johansson and Stefanie Najafi, founders of Eyescanner

Pontus All, Senior Venture Development Manager at the Innovation LabVolvo Group Connected Solutions, is one link between Volvo and the startups at Mobility Xlab.

“As a result of the collaboration we have access to start-ups which are working with new technology that could be of interest to us,” Pontus All explains. “There’s a big technology shift taking place in the transport industry and we need to team up to speed up the innovation process.”

MobilityXlab in short

MobilityXlab is a collaboration hub founded in 2017 by six global companies to create and develop new innovations within future mobility – with each other and with startups. Our six partners are CEVT, Ericsson, Veoneer, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, and Zenseact. Lindholmen Science Parks is the host organization. MobilityXlab is also supported by Region Västra Götaland and Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency. Over the first four years, MobilityXlab has seen startups applying from 50 countries. The collaboration platform has resulted in 64 proof of concepts and 12 commercial contracts or partnerships.

Startup information

Eyescanner SWEDEN – Gothenburg - eyescanner.se – In-Cabin Tech
Eyescanner is a software company that develops software/algorithms for drug detection through image analysis of the eye area. In 2020, 28% of all fatal traffic accidents in Sweden were alcohol or drug related. Despite this, there is currently a lack of technology in vehicles for detecting alcohol or drug-affected drivers.

Detectivio SWEDEN – Gothenburg - detectivio.com – In-Cabin Tech

On a mission to improve health assessments, a doctor and a data scientist started using AI technology to enable contactless measurement of vital signs – the most critical health metrics – and founded Detectivio. The triage process in emergency departments became the starting point for developing and validating the technology. Potential use-cases beyond healthcare, such as obtaining health metrics of drivers, pilots, and conference visitors, illustrate how the technology could also improve people’s safety and experiences.

12iD SWEDEN – Stockholm - 12id.com - Connectivity
12iD is an innovative Swedish tech company, focusing on digital identity, that cooperates with partners in different sectors to issue identities and to connect identity holders with a global ecosystem of multiple services. With custom blockchain technology, 12iD makes digital identification seamless and scalable.

Aiden USA Silicon Valley - aidenabled.com - Connectivity
Aiden have filed a utility patent and built an MVP roughly consisting of A) Software installed by OEMs for system-level privilege (Free), handling compression, encryption & UI, B) Cloud infrastructure built for configuring & routing data to the correct entity (subscription)