
Meet Cecilia Bengtsson

Cecilia Bengtsson is an engineer in chemical engineering specializing in energy and the environment. She wrote a PhD on improving the efficiency of industrial energy systems and has taken courses in environmental law and soil remediation.
Cecilia Bengtsson
Cecilia Bengtsson

“I handle environmental issues that fall under Volvo Group Real Estate Services’ area of responsibility. Our environmental impact derives from the fact that we build, renovate, pull demolish and maintain properties. We have to ensure that we comply with legal requirements, measure and control our impact on the environment and constantly work to reduce that impact,” she tells us.

In her daily work, this means developing strategies and goals to reduce environmental impact, but also supporting the operational activities such as developing energy efficiency plans, implementing legal requirements, reducing the use of resources, and ensuring that environmental surveys are carried out and any pollution damage is handled correctly in construction projects and real estate transactions.

She often has meetings with consultants, lawyers and other environmental managers at Volvo about how to manage continuous improvement. It is a mix of strategic global and local issues.

“I love my job,” she says. “There’s a strong commitment to environmental issues within the company, plus a great deal of expertise. I’m learning new things all the time, and not one day is like the day before. It’s an incredible privilege to have so many amazing colleagues all over the world. The challenge is that we work in so many different countries and the applicable legislation and environmental requirements are different in each one.”

“The important thing for me is to create engagement and understanding,” she goes on. “That way, you can ensure that environmental issues become an integrated part of what we do and not something that is added at a later stage or treated as a sideshow.”


Name: Cecilia Bengtsson
Education: Master of Science in Chemistry, Doctor of Industrial Energy Systems
Position: Environmental Manager
Organization: Real Estate Services
Workplace: Gothenburg