
Renault Trucks Bourg en Bresse assembly plant

The GTO Bourg en Bresse plant is the major and only production plant for Renault Trucks  heavy duty. Here we have two production lines where we assemble Long haul (range T & T high) and Constrution (range C & K). We also have a used trucks factory and a customer adaptation center to answer all customer’s needs.

We are the first private employer of the town and a major industrial key player of the department.

Some key facts:

Start date of the plant: 1964

number of employees: 1350

number of nationalities: 27

total surface area: 127 hectares

number of trucks per year: 28 099 in 2018

Visiting address:

146 Avenue Amédée Mercier 

01000 Bourg en Bresse - FRANCE

Contact details for externals:

Jean-François RISSELIN, Communications Director –jean-francois.risselin@volvo.com