
Metallic materials

The department offers competence and development resources in metallic materials science for product and process development, along with commissions of service nature. Our main tasks are failure analyses, new materials development, mechanical testing, materials selection and characterization, production process advice and standard interpretation.

Our main competence areas

• Forged materials

• Heat treatments

• Cast materials

• Surface technology

• Polymers

• Corrosion

• Sheet metals

• Welding and Brazing

• Bolted joint technology

• Materials & mechanical testing

• Residual stress measurements 

Order our services

Metallic Materials Laboratory

Gothenburg, Sweden

If you want to place an order for an analysis at Materials Technology please contact:

Metallic Materials Laboratory

Gothenburg, Sweden

Joachim Lindkvist
Acting Manager Steel and Mechanical Testing
Phone: +46 31 3223357
E-mail: Joachim.Lindkvist@volvo.com

Joachim Lindkvist
Acting Manager Cast Materials and New Technologies
Phone: +46 31 3223357
E-mail: Joachim.Lindkvist@volvo.com

You can also contact our specialists directly:

Employees and expertise ( PDF, 741 KB)


How to order analyses using EBD (PDF, 123 KB)



Metallic Materials Laboratory

Lyon, France

If you want to place an order for an analysis at the Metallic Materials laboratory in Lyon please contact:

Thomas Barraud
Manager Etudes et Recherche
Phone: +33 6 65 89 73 55
E-mail: thomas.barraud@volvo.com

Metallic Materials Laboratory

Hagerstown, United States

If you want to place an order for an analysis at the Metallic Materials laboratory in Hagerstown please contact:

Andrew Devillier
Email: andrew.devillier@volvo.com


Learn more about materials technology